
The Importance of Being Clear About Your Sexual Expectations

Sex is an important part of many people's lives, and it's crucial to have open and honest communication about your sexual expectations with your partner.

Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex.

Whether you are in a long-term relationship or just starting to date someone new, being clear about your sexual desires can lead to a more fulfilling sex life for both parties involved.

Whether you love it or hate it, the issue of sex affects you deeply. 

Sex is more than a physical act; it’s about the heart. Instead of moral formulas and a list of do’s and don’ts, you need a way to deal with ALL of your story that lives within your ideas and desire when it comes to sex.

Sexpectations from culture

Some of our sexpectations are formed by our culture—by the films and television shows we watch and by the attitudes of our friends. And some are just the result of the natural differences in marriage—shaped by gender, family background, childhood experiences, personality differences, and much more.

I’ve found that in marriage, it’s easier to have unspoken sexual expectations rather than real conversations. You expect your Husband, to read your mind, to intuitively know when you’re in the mood, what you want him to wear (or not wear), and how he should “surprise” you with a clandestine rendezvous.

Of course, HE has his own set of expectations of you…. and neither of you are talking about what they are…so they can never be met.

Unfortunately, when our sexpectations don’t meet reality, what’s left is often frustration, disappointment, and isolation. Two becoming one devolves into two becoming none.

The first step to being clear about your sexual expectations is to identify what they are. This can include anything from the frequency of sex, to the type of sex you enjoy, to specific kinks or fetishes. It's important to take some time to reflect on what you want out of your sex life, so you can communicate this to your partner.

Once you have identified your sexual expectations, it's time to have an open and honest conversation with your partner.

This can be a difficult conversation to have, but it's important to approach it with empathy and understanding. Be clear and specific about what you want, and avoid vague statements that can lead to misunderstandings. Remember, the goal of this conversation is to establish a mutual understanding and respect for each other's sexual desires.

One of the key benefits of communicating your sexual expectations is that it can prevent misunderstandings and disappointment down the line.

For example, if you're interested in trying out a new sexual kink or fetish, it's important to discuss it with your partner beforehand to make sure that they are comfortable with it. This way, you can both establish boundaries and consent to the activity.

Moreover, being clear about your sexual expectations can help build trust and intimacy in your relationship. When you and your partner are able to communicate openly about your desires and boundaries, it can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other.

It's important to remember that sexual expectations can change over time. What you want in your sex life now may not be the same as what you want in a year or two. That's why it's important to continue to have open and honest conversations with your partner about your sexual desires and expectations.

Being clear about your sexual expectations is crucial for a fulfilling and healthy sex life. It can prevent misunderstandings, build trust and intimacy, and ultimately lead to a more satisfying relationship. So, don't be afraid to have that difficult conversation with your partner – the benefits are worth it.

Embodiment & Breathwork Bundle®

Are you ready to build trust and strengthen your sexual relationships through communication?

The Bliss Method® will allow you to explore this new energy and power through movement, pleasure, and sensuality. This will help you create a safe space to navigate the depth of your internal emotional landscape to clear the emotions that are “stuck” in the way of your sexual energy flowing freely.

Form a deeper understanding and appreciation for your partner.

Through my Sex Breath Masterclass® which is included in this bundle, you can reawaken and activate your sexual energy as a powerful tool for confidence in your leadership, relationships, and spiritual practice.

Join us by purchasing this bundle to embody more of the principles and teachings of the Pleasurista Lifestyle.

If you’re ready to tap back into the magic, don’t miss out on this exclusive offer which brings you this bundle for $94 (normally $595!)

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